Those of you who have been a round a while might remember RKA made a tailbag for the Paso back in the day. I liked mine a lot and kept it when I sold the bike, because I thought it might be useful on other bikes. Well, it's not. Not on anything I've owned since then anyway, so it's time to sell it.
It's a little dusty due to sitting on the shelf for so many years, and is a little softer than it used to be (aren't we all) so it doesn't hold it's shape when empty like it used to, but functionally it's still fine. Zipper works, all the straps and clips are there.
Basically you attach the clips to the side fo the seat and tighten it up. Then tuck the stails of the straps under it. It really does work well on the bike it was designed for. The strap running down the middle is to carry it when off the bike.
$75 including shipping in the USA. I'm in SE Michigan near Ann Arbor if someone was interested in local pick up.

I'm not sure if this site notifies me of replies here, so also send me a private message if interested.