Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

discussions specific to the 907IE
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Texas907ie »

After just over a month of waiting, I got a call yesterday afternoon that the new fuel pump had arrived, was installed, and the 907 was tested and ready to go! I dropped everything and raced to the shop arriving just before they closed. There she sat - such a gorgeous shade of red. While they finished the paperwork I hopped on and ran around the block - and sure enough there is no hesitation or wall at 4000rpm, all is well! The cored pipes sang their symphony all the way home. I love this bike for what it is, how it sounds, and the way it rides. A bonus is how this bike is an event everywhere it goes - people chasing me in traffic to catch a better look, thumbs up from other riders, kids staring out the windows of other cars - kids are the best and I always wave to them. I am not sure where they sourced the pump, but they also replaced the fuel sending unit, which was still in stock and cheap, and now the old fuel gauge is working again.

It is a privilege to be the caretaker of this bike for a little while - it launched a dozen life long friendships and introduced me to the hill country of Texas. So happy that she is 100% once again!

I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend too - all the best.
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Texas907ie »

Well, it's been about 2 months since I last checked in..

A couple weekends ago a friend wanted me to ride with him on a half day test run to see if his FJR finally had its oil leak fixed. We did a nice loop north of the metroplex and when it was over my friend peeled off for home and I headed south to top off with fuel and go home as well. The 907 was fantastic the whole day - running 100% and as good as the day I bought it. During the run I approached 7500 RPM but previously had never pushed it too hard - what a great sound!

About 2 miles from home I came to a stop light and noticed another motorcycle to my right - rider was waving so I returned the wave as we do... After the light went green I noticed this rider pacing me and trying to get my attention - he gestured for me to follow him to the next gas station. I was going to fill up anyway so followed to see what was up. Turned out this guy was an older gentleman of means and had quite a motorcycle collection including several Ducatis, two Bimotas, the Honda power cruiser he was riding, and some vintage bikes. He was going nuts about having seen the 907 in traffic and was wanting to know if I would part with it. When I said nope, not at any price, he was lost for words - I guess he was used to getting what he wanted. Nice enough guy, we continued to talk about it for a while - he's been searching for one for years.

The thing about my 907 is that I searched for one too for a few years before buying this one in 2001. That purchase led to a dozen friendships that have lasted all these years, and now those friends who were older than me are dying off. I can't part with this bike because of all the great memories and adventures we all had, and I plan to keep it until I can't ride anymore. In the future it may get extremely hard to keep it on the road, but I will do my best and never plan to make the 907 into a garage queen.

I am sure many of you have had similar experiences with the reactions of people seeing your bikes - some people who have no idea what it is but like the looks or sound, and others who know exactly what it is and how rare they've become. Really adds to the ownership experience, doesn't it?

Keep em flying!
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Willo »

Just keep some fuel conditioner in the tank, change the belts every couple of years and plenty of oil changes. She will last for ever.
Most engine parts are available and 3rd party bits take care of the rest.

Ride and enjoy, I know I do.

Cheers Willo
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by blakduc1 »

Texas907ie wrote:I couldn't wait any more and had to post the good news: my '91 907IE was sitting for 13 years and now should be back on the road before the weekend!


Man, that is great! Glad you are getting it going again. My anthracite 907 has been sitting quite a long time as well, and I am getting it road worthy again. Man the thing is amazing. I rode it up to Suches in N GA this past sat for the Italian bike day and it was really special to be out riding it again and feeling that engine! Met another 907 rider as well. A good day.

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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by du907 »


Was great to meet and talk to you last Saturday (Suches, Ga. USA). It truly was a great time with plenty of cool bikes to look at, great roads to ride, and people to talk to. My favorite part was hearing all the Ducs slowing down to turn into Two Wheels. Nothing sounds like a Ducati gearing down from speed. Man what a sound.
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by blakduc1 »

du907 wrote:blackduc1,

Was great to meet and talk to you last Saturday (Suches, Ga. USA). It truly was a great time with plenty of cool bikes to look at, great roads to ride, and people to talk to. My favorite part was hearing all the Ducs slowing down to turn into Two Wheels. Nothing sounds like a Ducati gearing down from speed. Man what a sound.
Great time.
Yes, du907, it was indeed a great day with some fine sounds from the desmo engines. Let me know when you head back toward GA. -- Here's a question : What kind of oil do you use in your 907 engine?

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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by du907 »

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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Texas907ie »

So a great day today - I have been having trouble with the 907 since it went back on the road. At about 2/3 throttle it felt like the bike just hit a wall - no power - and I thought it seemed like it was starved for fuel. It turns out that the filter on the bottom of the pump - something that looks like a stainless steel Brillo pad - had corroded so badly that it disintegrated and its particles clogged the inline filter and left sediment in the bottom of the tank. Not sure if this is due to age, the stupid ethanol in our fuel, or what the issue was. Replacing that filter and cleaning everything up seemed to do the trick. Now she is back on the road and again and sounding spectacular! I hope you all are making it through the pandemic okay and your families are well. Here's to better times on one of the greatest gifts we could have ever imagined!
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Texas907ie »

Hi everyone - I posted some photos over on the Paso forum; due to the rarity of our bikes that forum had gone dormant so trying to kick start some interest over there. Check it out when you can, and I hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving (if you are in the US, otherwise have a great week ahead)!
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Mc tool »

Thebenelliman wrote:No wonder this forum is quite I thought there were more bikes on the road here and many more in the US! I have aftermarket exhausts on mine and it sounds great, I like to hear an engine running! I had a newer bike recently and on tickover the only way I New I had not stalled it was to look at the Rev counter!
Yeah , I live on the "southern scenic route" and we get all sorts of weekend toys accelerating away from our house , but some new bikes all you can hear is a very muffled woosh from the exhaust and the chain clattering . Dont ever recall seeing a proper Paso or even a 907 :P
I wish I was young again............Id be heaps smarter than last time
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Re: Another 907 back on the road (almost)!

Post by Texas907ie »

It seems like this website once had a registry of Pasos and 907s, but that seems to have fallen away during some transition. If the registry were ever restored, or if there is another registry on the web someplace, I would love to hear about it!
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